Sunday, December 13, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Flex Component: Simple Resizable TitleWindow
The link is Yet Another Resizable TitleWindow.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
A list resources from Flex team's blog:
Blogs from the source
Here's a fairly comprehensive list of blogs maintained by engineers on the Flex, Flash Builder, and Catalyst teams. You'll find plenty of examples, tutorials, tips and tricks, and discussion on new features available in our betas.
(in no particular order :) they're all awesome)
Flex team:
Flex Examples - numerous Flex examples
flexreport - a discussion of the less intuitive aspects of Flex components and applications
Daniel Koestler - AIR, Flex, Flash, and other Adobe technology
Peter deHaan - Confessions of a Flex QA
Hans Muller's Flex Blog - a technical blog about the Flex 4 (Gumbo) API (stay tuned for posts about new Flex support for scrolling and layout virtualization)
Flex Butterflies and Bugs - Flex news, workarounds for bugs and solutions for common problems, from a quality perspective
Codependent - graphics and animation with Flex and the Flash platform
Frish's blog - Flex 4 (Gumbo)
Flexponential - DataGroup, List, virtualization, Flex Component Kit, and more
Quietly Scheming - examples and custom components
Evtimmy - custom layouts
Alex's Flex Closet - examples and discussion of common problems, especially around memory management and item renderers
Tips and Tools of Flex - tools in the Flex SDK
Flex Spaghetti - code samples, tips, and a couple ramblings about the Flex bug database
Just Suppose - UI, Flex, and Flash
Flash Builder team:Getting and Setting - Builder coding features like refactoring and code generation
mikemo - Builder debugger
Tim Buntel's Web Log - Flex particularly relating to the ColdFusion
Flex Thoughts - Flex charts, general IDE features and DCD (Data Centric Development) features of Builder
Marking Occurrences - Flash Builder language intelligence features such as Find References
Flex Automation - Automation of Flex apps
A Flex Enthusiast!
Flex Guard - Builder DCD for LCDS and BlazeDS servers, using Profiler and Network Monitor features of Builder 4My Take On Tech - DMV Charts and more to come on PHP workflow (DCRAD)
Exploring Flex - DCD workflow of Builder - details of the wizards that form DCD
Sujit Reddy G – The Evangelist - DCD features in Builder
The GLog (Geek bLOG) - Flash Builder, Eclipse and Java
much ado about something - Flex/AIR/Flash Catalyst
Catalyst team:
Sunday, March 22, 2009
draw background for DataGrid columns
I didn't finish my job at the first try. After I read the post again, I found each column has to be assign a backgroundColor style before DataGrid drawColumnBackground function taking effect.
This function "drawColumnBackground" is called by drawLinesAndColumnBackgrounds function, which is called in updateDisplayList function. So I think I can update each column background by override the updateDisplayList function. I probabely need to update datagrid data as well as column background based on user action.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Reading for Custom Flex Preloader
However this class seems not working as I expected. Loading is quite glitch. I found in the code there is time interval to check status and display preloader, which slow down the process of loading animation.
After a couple of months, I retrieve this problem and found some new entries explained in detail how the preloading proceed and which class is not good to be used in preloader class.
- Flex 3 Pleloading Explained is new and has upcoming post(not posted yet) to explain the preloading in Flex;
- Custom Flex 3 Lightweight Preloader gives a very good example to build an preloader;
- Implementing A Flex 2 Custom Preloader has one Class from basic implementation of IPreloaderDisplay which is simple and detail explained.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Flex memory leaks and garbage collection
It's very good resource to gain the knowledge about garbage collection in Flex.
Here is the post and following the other 4 posts from We are the heroes of Web 2.0
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Good ItemRederer Article
The blog "Example of Feature Rich Dynamic Item Renderers in Flex 3" is from Themorphic Group.
There are also a series of articles from Peter Ent's Blog talking about itemRenderer.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Quick Note: Custom Binding in Flex
It also support 2-way binding, which Adobe Flex should support for binding.
Quick Note: FlowContainer
- Flow Container @ App Division
- Flex FlowBox Container @ Tony Fendall’s Flex Blog
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Auto Complete Input Resources
The last one from Hillel Coren seems very nice and suitable for my project.
Input with PopUp or PopUpInput
- popup can be any UIComponent;
- because of TextInput, name is editable;
- customized drop-down arrow icon;
- can extend the function to save the input text to list.
However, this an alpha version of this component, some filters such as drop shadow applied on popup do not transform smoothly as same as popup itself. Also, popup does not do drop down effect when the first time is opened. Let's call it version 0.1. I will update it later as I finish my Java study.