Monday, November 29, 2010

"Hello World" App of Flex+Google App Engine+BlazeDS

I've been long time to look some way to develop my sample server host app without a penny.
I registered Google App Engine and Google Site a few years ago, but they both has some limits to start building a site.
Today, after I read this post, I think I may start to build a Flex site, which I can use Flex, Messaging Server and Data Communication Objects. Let's see when I will have my first app posted.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Flint Particle System - Cool Flex Effects

Flint Particle System is a very cool open-source library to add effects in Flash. It can be added in AS, Flash or Flex project. The site also provide many example to get started.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Flare - Flex Data Visualization and Interaction

When I'm developing my project about complex reference data nodes which have multiple levels of inheritance and connections, I only SpringGraph close to my components. Then I extend that with a few modification. However, there are still some lack of features to satisfy my components.
Today, I read the The Flare Visualization Toolkit from Thomas Burleson. This kit is more organize-chart like and has a few more features I need. It's open source as well(Important!! ^_^).
Don't have time to read all code today, but I think it could be a resource of my project.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Google's gmail phone works for me

Read the news about the google phone in gmail yesterday. It said the offer is for US only and free for US and CA by the end of year.
I curiously tried to install the feature. There's no "Call phone" button displayed in chat panel when I restarted browser. Can't figure it out.
However, when I get to the office and open the browser, The button is shown. Can't wait to try it even I don't have a head mic. It works.
I probably won't use it much, but it still a nice feature. I hope google can integrate all voice feature with gmail.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Flex DataGridColumn Percentage By Decimals

It's so surprised to find out a long waited feature in DataGrid and AdvancedDataGrid when I read this post.
Percentage of column width setting is just sit there but undocumented.
It is very simple to use ".25" instead of "25%" in the property of Width value.
But if you set columns to resizable, then it may resize wider when you resize a column.