Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Flex Component: Gauge

A few examples of Gauge Component.

Gauges Flex 2 Components by Peter Ent
Very simple and detail explanation to using only Flex class to create components.

Using Degrafa by Thomas Gonzalez
V.02 version add the Degrafa graphic Classes to draw skin for components.
More flexible and polished.

Gauge Component v.02
Gauge Component v.01 - Flex

Degrafa : Declarative Graphics Framework

The focus behind the Declarative Graphics Framework (Degrafa) is to bring the graphics classes up a level to provide a common ground between developer and designer within Flex, and enable the graphics classes to become first class citizens within the Flex framework.

Open Source: Resize & Move Container


User resizeable container for flex components.
Official website at:

A very common UI element found in many applications are those little square handles around an on-screen object that allow you to move & resize it. I haven't been able to find anything like that pre-built in flex, so I've started a project to develop one. It behaves as a container object so you can put any other flex component inside it and get the resizeable functionality right away.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Link: the list of helpful Flex or Flash debug tools

Debugging tools collection:
Debugging AS3 with "firebug’s console" combined with "FlashTracer" will take efficiency's advantage.

the list of helpful Flex or Flash debug tools

from: (

Link: 36 New, Cool Flex and AS3 Tools, Libraries and Components

very useful resources:

36 New, Cool Flex and AS3 Tools, Libraries and Components

By: Sean Moore (

Thought by Bruce (Author of Thinking in Java)

Very good computing thoughts.
The author is Bruce Eckel who wrote "Think in Java"
ActionScript Collections and Functional Programming
Not only are basic collections (arrays and associative arrays) tightly integrated into the core language, but arrays provide some sophisticated functional programming support. This article also introduces the creation and use of shared libraries and the basics of prototypes.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Flex Component: FlowBox Container

I found several Flex Containers can handle automatic wrapping child component.
  1. Eric Cancil version(best practice):
    This is the best I've seen.
  2. Tony Fendall version:
    Tony's FlowBox use HBox as sub container, add child to HBox, when the HBox is full, create new one to add child. But there are some issues, especially the HBox scrollingBar appear sometime.
  3. FlexLib version:
    This version handle the basic function of wrapping but limited to horizontal only and doesn't have many inherited style from box/container.
There are some more experiment like Flow Layout in Adobe cookbook and Flow Layout in Adobe Exchange By jamesjaco, but they are not coded carefully.